Monday, May 18, 2009

planting a tree can't be that hard.....

So today was our big tree planting day. Melinda had grown me a little tree from a tiny twig at her house and brought it over last week. So, since the 40 days & nights of rain decided to stop~
it's tree planting day! I thought that it was kinda fishy that no one else had really planted any trees in their backyards, but oh do I get it now. ROCK. I mean big thick rock is about 8 inches down. I hit the rock and didn't exactly know what to do. I was gonna move my spot, but I was mad that I had already torn up my sod in that spot so I dug on. It took a while, but we did it! Here's the proof!
my big helper
Success! Thanks Melinda! Now let's just see if I can keep it alive....

Next~ mow the yard.....
Nicholas LOVES mowing the yard!
If anyone needs a good yard mower I've got one!
You provide the snacks and juice and we'll be there!


lg2006 said...

LOL so did he like it? The noise didnt scare him?

grizaham said...

Thats a great tree!! I noticed one growing in our yard last time i mowed so i am trying to let it get big! ITs about 8 inches tall now!

I also LOVE mowing the yard Nicholas!!